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초크체리 젤리


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이 젤리는 캐나다 대부분 지역에서 대량으로 자라는 초크체리의 즙으로 만들어집니다. 생 베리는 너무 신맛이 강하고 떫어서 먹기 힘들지만, 설탕과 함께 요리하면 맛이 없어지고, 매콤하지만 신맛은 없습니다. 캐나다에서는 여러 세대에 걸쳐 농가에서 사랑받아 왔습니다. 토스트에 바르거나 요리에 사용하세요. 셰프들은 종종 소스, 그레이비, 드레싱의 풍미제로 사용합니다. 타트 필링이나 치즈케이크 토핑으로도 사용할 수 있습니다.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Trudi A Farrell

At last, a chokecherry jelly that isn’t repulsively sweet. Almost as good as my Mom’s. I could make it myself, but too much work. So happy to find it on this wonderful site, they do the work, I can just enjoy it!

Choke Cherry Jelly

My Grandmother used to make her own homemade choke cherry jelly with berries we picked off their land in Huntsville. I have to say this is a decent second place, but it didn't quite have my Grandma's touch...still great product.

Choke Cherry Jelly

My Grandmother used to make her own homemade choke cherry jelly with berries we picked off their land in Huntsville. I have to say this is a decent second place, but it didn't quite have my Grandma's touch...still great product.

Almost as good as Grandma's!

When I was a kid, we would visit the family farm on Manitoulin Island. Next to the equipment shed was a whole row of chokecherry bushes, which my Grandmother would turn into jelly.

I've never seen it for sale anywhere but on the Island. I even asked the jam guy at St. Lawrence Market, but he's never even heard of Chokecherries.

I was so happy to find it at the Brickworks. The flavour brought back memories.

Almost as good as Grandma's!

When I was a kid, we would visit the family farm on Manitoulin Island. Next to the equipment shed was a whole row of chokecherry bushes, which my Grandmother would turn into jelly.

I've never seen it for sale anywhere but on the Island. I even asked the jam guy at St. Lawrence Market, but he's never even heard of Chokecherries.

I was so happy to find it at the Brickworks. The flavour brought back memories.