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장미 시럽


 다른 결제 옵션
야생 장미 시럽은 캐나다 대부분 지역에서 자라는 5개 꽃잎의 야생 장미로 만들어집니다. 야생 장미 시럽은 야생 장미 꽃잎 시럽과 같은 맛이 납니다. 한 사람이 이 섬세하고 향기로운 꽃잎을 반파운드 따는 데 거의 2시간이 걸리고 장미는 수확하기 가장 좋은 식물이 아닙니다. 하지만 그만한 가치가 있습니다. 왜냐하면 제빵에 사용하거나 케이크 믹스에 넣거나 아이스크림, 커스타드 또는 요거트에 뿌려서 사용할 수 있는 천국 같은 풍미의 간식을 만들어내기 때문입니다. 과일 샐러드에 한 스푼을 넣으면 잊을 수 없는 향이 나고 약간 덜 익은 과일의 풍미가 살아납니다. 크레페나 와플에 곁들여도 맛있습니다. 스파링 와인이나 보드카 마티니에 드리즐을 더해 사랑스러운 장미 칵테일을 만들어보세요. 장미는 레몬, 아몬드, 코코넛, 대황 등과 잘 어울립니다. 이 제품은 시간이 지나면서 침전물이 생기는데, 이것은 꽃에서 남은 잔류 꽃가루입니다. 사용하기 전에 흔들어주세요.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Delicious syrup

Excellent addition to yogurt for my morning oatmeal!

Julie DuVal
Another Excellent Product

I am surprised by how lovely the flavour of this syrup is. My family enjoyed it so much the first time I bought some that I have bought more. This product makes a very romantic addition to tea, waffles or icecream, and I am sure there are plenty of other foods it would compliment or elevate. It is a perfect gift for Valentine's Day or for anyone who loves the beautiful flavour of roses. It reminds me of summer and is very uplifting when the winter begins to feel long.

Julie DuVal
Another Excellent Product

I am surprised by how lovely the flavour of this syrup is. My family enjoyed it so much the first time I bought some that I have bought more. This product makes a very romantic addition to tea, waffles or icecream, and I am sure there are plenty of other foods it would compliment or elevate. It is a perfect gift for Valentine's Day or for anyone who loves the beautiful flavour of roses. It reminds me of summer and is very uplifting when the winter begins to feel long.

Julie DuVal
Another Excellent Product

I am surprised by how lovely the flavour of this syrup is. My family enjoyed it so much the first time I bought some that I have bought more. This product makes a very romantic addition to tea, waffles or icecream, and I am sure there are plenty of other foods it would compliment or elevate. It is a perfect gift for Valentine's Day or for anyone who loves the beautiful flavour of roses. It reminds me of summer and is very uplifting when the winter begins to feel long.

Julie DuVal
Another Excellent Product

I am surprised by how lovely the flavour of this syrup is. My family enjoyed it so much the first time I bought some that I have bought more. This product makes a very romantic addition to tea, waffles or icecream, and I am sure there are plenty of other foods it would compliment or elevate. It is a perfect gift for Valentine's Day or for anyone who loves the beautiful flavour of roses. It reminds me of summer and is very uplifting when the winter begins to feel long.