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살구버섯( Cantharellus cibarius )은 유럽과 북미에서 가장 인기 있고 많이 나는 야생버섯 중 하나입니다. 식별하기 쉽고 요리하기 쉬운, 부드럽고 견과류 같은 살구 같은 풍미로 다재다능합니다. 버터에 간단히 볶거나 크림 소스에 넣어서 닭고기나 계란 요리와 함께 제공하면 맛있습니다. 늦여름과 초가을에는 신선한 야생 살구버섯도 판매합니다.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Mrs. Brigitte Loos, Williamstown ON
just looking at them make you remember them in the forest

I've had many dried chanterelles over the years, as Costco used to be the only place to get them fresh .(With my husband in LTC I'm no longer a member) But I grew up picking them in the forest close to where I grew up, and these are the closest I've ever got to the fresh ones. They are dried to perfection, leaving in the rich, full flavour, and texture. Bring them back to life, strain the liquid and use for gravy, sauce in butter, add some parsley - Heaven! Just a few are enough to bring the goulash to new level. I can't wait till you have the fresh ones for sale

Mrs. Brigitte Loos, Williamstown ON
just looking at them make you remember them in the forest

I've had many dried chanterelles over the years, as Costco used to be the only place to get them fresh .(With my husband in LTC I'm no longer a member) But I grew up picking them in the forest close to where I grew up, and these are the closest I've ever got to the fresh ones. They are dried to perfection, leaving in the rich, full flavour, and texture. Bring them back to life, strain the liquid and use for gravy, sauce in butter, add some parsley - Heaven! Just a few are enough to bring the goulash to new level. I can't wait till you have the fresh ones for sale