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차가 조각



차가( Inonotus obliquus )는 자작나무에서만 발견되는 기생성 균류입니다. 미성숙한 시기에 수확한 차가에는 자실체가 없고, 나무에서 혹처럼 튀어나온 균사와 자작나무 덩어리입니다. 흙 냄새가 나는 카라멜, 모카 맛이 나고 항산화제, 베타글루칸, 폴리사카라이드, 스테롤, 베툴린산이 풍부합니다. 이로 인해 인기 있는 약용 균류가 되었습니다 . 대부분의 사람들은 차가를 으깨거나 에스프레소처럼 가루로 만들어 마시지만, 문지르거나 향신료 믹스, 팅크제로 사용할 수도 있습니다.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

I've only began drinking chaga mushroom tea within the last month and I already see n feel the healing effects within my body. I place 4-5 chunks in a 1 liter of water, bring it to a boil then turn it to low n let it simmer for 3 hours. This makes 2 cups of rich dark tea which I bottled n place in the fridge, then warm it up adding a teaspoon of maple syrop for a delicious tasting morning brew. Try it, you'll like it. You can brew different size batches but this works for me. Enjoy


I've only began drinking chaga mushroom tea within the last month and I already see n feel the healing effects within my body. I place 4-5 chunks in a 1 liter of water, bring it to a boil then turn it to low n let it simmer for 3 hours. This makes 2 cups of rich dark tea which I bottled n place in the fridge, then warm it up adding a teaspoon of maple syrop for a delicious tasting morning brew. Try it, you'll like it. You can brew different size batches but this works for me. Enjoy